For women who can no longer ignore the whispers of Spirit and Soul.

This work is for you if:

You long to touch life sweeter and deeper, and want to have a tangible way to go about it. 

You know there’s something more to life but have been struggling to find the time to give space to that. 

You long to live a life more closely aligned with who feel you are, deep down, but struggle to know how to go about that and what it might actually look like in practice.

You have a sense of what’s true for you, but feel held back from expressing it fully at work and in the world. 

You have tried hard to fit a certain mould in your career but it's becoming hard work to keep on 'fitting' in; you’ve either suffered from burnout or fear burnout could be close; you feel you’re compromising yourself to keep things going, and it's getting exhausting.

You want to create dedicated sacred space for yourself - beyond friends, family or your intimate partner.  

You want to gift yourself time to explore yourself to your very depths.  

You crave a deeper knowing of yourself, what drives you, what hinders you, what you long for and what you love.  

This is deep work, beautiful and life-changing. 

Sacred Life is a 6 month 1-1 Crucible:

During our 6 month journey together, you will receive:

  • 1-1 Exploration & Guidance Sessions with Kate x 12

  • Weekly Guided Soul Inquiries & Embodiment Practices

  • Ongoing Whatsapp & Email support between sessions

  • My Love & Energetic Support every step of the way.


If you feel called to join me on this journey,

please book a free Exploration Call using the button below, or

email: kate@sacredopenings.com.

This 6-month exploration will guide you deeper on your soul path and/or discover it for the first time.

Our time together is a sacred space for you to unpack and explore your deepest longings - what is missing from your life; what you desire, deep down, and how you can begin to move towards it.

Over the course of our 6 months together, I will guide you into soul-inquiries which will enable you to hear your longings, perhaps for the first time. Together we will explore them and support you to begin acting on them, so you can create a life which honours and expresses all of your sacred longing.

Connect with the deepest parts of yourself

Learn how to listen to your heart’s deepest longings

Create a life which honours these longings on a daily basis.

Open into the full truth of your being